
Enviro Spatial has applied GIS and spatial data analysis / management in support of many different domains or thematic areas.  Some of these are presented below.

Planning, Natural Resource and EIS  GIS provides numerous tools for the effective integration, management, analysis, and presentation of environmental, cultural, and biological information. Enviro Spatial provides cost-effective data management solutions for planning, natural resource management, and environmental impact analysis projects

Env. Information Management Systems As information becomes more readily available, it becomes increasingly difficult to exploit in meaningful and efficient ways. The application of environmental information management systems to meet the specific requirements of a project or organization is a cost-effective way to manage and more importantly leverage the information.

Environmental Modeling As GIS has evolved over the past decade, so has the capability to integrate and develop environmental models. These models can represent interactions of different environmental and socio-economic and cultural factors, predict contaminant migration and impact, or evaluate what-if or project alternative scenarios.

Public Infrastructure Management ES can design and develop spatially based information systems for the management
of public works assets.

Tourism / Recreation Enviro Spatial has a personal interest in developing eco-tourism, rural tourism and low-impact tourism systems to support tourism objectives.