ES and MB&G team to re-platform an emergency response application

Category: News

Enviro Spatial and MB&G have teamed to provide re-platform services to Eugene Water and electric Board (EWEB) for the McKenzie Watershed Emergency Response System (MWERS).  The original desktop GIS application will be developed as a web based application with plans to expand it to other Oregon watersheds.


Oasis project

Category: News

Enviro Spatial is pleased to announce our selection to create a GIS that will be used by rural Oasis communities to support commune development planning. More information to be provided at a later time.


Morocco Associations Map

Category: News

Enviro Spatial in partnership with MTDS has implemented an interactive map that allows users to zero in on associations that have activities in Morocco by actitivty theme. This was developed for Tanmia and can be found at their Interactive Web Map
