SIDOS – Programme Oasis du Sud

Category: Climate Change, Customized GIS design and implementation, Env. Information Management Systems, Environmental Modeling, GIS Consulting, Natural Resource Protection / Management, Sustainable Development

The Program Oasis du Sud (POS) was implemented by the Agency for Promotion and Economic and Social Development of the Southern Provinces of the Kingdom of Morocco. The objectives of the POS include several areas such as: sustainable water use; local economic development;  local capacity building; conservation of biodiversity; and, the development of quality tourism.

Enviro Spatial was tasked with developing a customized GIS that would track the POS projects and also manage and present selected environmental and development indicators for the Oasis in the region.  In addition, ES performed satellite imagery analysis from multiple years (1972, 1987, 2001, 2003, 2007), and developed vegetative cover and  sand dune formation (ensablement) indicators.  Change detection analysis was also performed to be able to evaluate indicator trends.


Morocco Oasis Photo


SIDOS Indicator Reporting Interface


Vegetation Cover Change Map

Vegetation Cover Change Indicator