Gender based adaptation to Climate Change
The Program des Oasis de Tafiliet (POT) and United Nations Women engaged Enviro Spatial and an environmental / development expert to create and develop a Commune based information system that takes into account gender differences(SIC Genderise) and the potential to adapt to climate change impacts along with other development indicators for four communes in the Oasis regions. This effort included meetings and workshops with local commune representatives in order to identify environmental, development and gender concerns that currently exist.
Based on these concerns, a field survey was conducted to collect detailed information for each commune. The information collected included agricultural production, water resource data, the sentiment of the local population regarding changes that they have experienced due to climate change, as well as some specific data regarding women in the commune (i.e. artisanal skills, education level, current work routines, ability to make choices on travel and work). In addition, the SIC -Genderise system tracked sustainable development projects by development theme.
One of the main objectives of the program was to provide local officials with a tool that could track this information and in turn be able to see and evaluate indicator trends as the field surveys were to be performed every 3 – 5 years.
The field data was entered into the system and after several training sessions, the SIC-Genderise was provided to Commune officials so that they could then manage and exploit the system themselves.
The project was so successful with the four communes that POT and UN Women re-engaged Enviro Spatial to implement the same system in four other communes.