Using GPS, Enviro Spatial mapped mountain a long downhill bike trail near Marrakech, Morocco. Topographic maps were used along with captured GPS data to make ride maps. In addition, a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was used to create 3-D models of the route. This is a long downhill starting in Oukaimeden. Photos to come….
moreSeptember 06, 2008
September 06, 2008
Using GPS, Enviro Spatial mapped mountain bike trails near Rabat, Morocco. Topographic maps were used along with captured GPS data to make ride maps. In addition, a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was used to create 3-D models of the route. This is a beautiful Spring ride!! Photos to come….
moreSeptember 05, 2008
Kanana Wilderness is a private game reserve, in the Kalahari Desert, Botswana. Enviro Spatial developed and in partnership with MTDS provides Geo-Hosting services for an interactive web map application that presents features of the Kanana Wilderness. Web surfers can use their standard browser and pan/zoom, navigate and retrieve information on Kanana features. The application integrates […]